Tuning fork acupressure

Tuning Fork (or Vibrational) Acupressure combines the applications of tuning forks, traditional acupressure points, and therapeutic touch to rebalance and align physical, emotional and mental bodies.

Acupressure points, sound frequencies, and vibrations help to regulate the nervous system, slow heart and breathing rates, and create restorative conditions for body and mind. This approach also stimulates alpha and theta brain waves, which are associated with deep, meditative and peaceful states, highly beneficial for healing.

Sound and vibrational healing work at the cellular level, activating the body’s natural healing power, including the meditative state. It can help treat a variety of mental, emotional, and physical issues, including addiction, anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, chronic pain, and more. It's also known to increase mental focus, boost immunity, and elevate your energetic field.

The ancient practice of using music and sound vibration to lead one deeper into a state of contemplation or relaxation, shutting off the body’s fight-or-flight reflex. It has been enlisted for thousands of years, helping to regulate the nervous system and to calm the mind.

From the moment we’re in the womb to the moment we take our last breath, we are all touched by sound and vibration. Whether it’s the feelings of calm while listening to the sound of the rain, or to the beat of our favourite song, we’re all influenced by the power that sound and vibration have over us. They can either nourish and heal us, or hurt and disorient us. By understanding their powerful effects on the mind and body, we learn how to apply them for the highest good for ourselves and others.

To fully understand how sound therapy works, we have to understand the “Law of Vibration”. Basically, it states that everything in the universe is in a perpetual state of movement. Not only do sounds have vibrations, but so do humans, chairs, tables, and every other “thing” for that matter. Every word and thought also has its own vibration, so it’s important to be mindful of how we use them in our daily lives.